Details of our 4D Scanning Packages:

Melanie Reyneke has finally received her practice number (039 000 0365254) which means most medical aids will now cover the cost of a scan. You still need to settle the account with Peek-a-Babe and then claim from your Medical Aid.

1 Scan Package

Package Details:

Between 12 and 36 weeks

Heart rate

Baby’s weight

Confirmation of gender (if required)

A 30 minute session

CD with photos

DVD with video


5 Scan Package

Package Details:

First scan between 12 – 18 weeks of gestation

Follow up scans every 4 weeks after initial scan

30 minute sessions

CD and DVD with all the photos on it

Baby’s weight

Heart rate

Confirmation of gender (if required)

First 3 scans are R800 per session and last 2 scans are free (thus saves R1600)

2 Scan Package

Package Details:

Early scan between 12 – 25 weeks of gestation

Follow up scan between 25 – 34 weeks of gestation

30 minute sessions

CD and DVD with all the photos on it

Baby’s weight

Heart rate

Confirmation of gender (if required)

R800 for initial scan and R550 for follow up scan


Package Details:

Early scan to confirm pregnancy

Determine dates

No CD/DVD included in this package


Anomaly Scan

Package Details:

Between 20 and 24 weeks

To exclude any abnormalities

Heart Rate

Baby’s weight

Confirmation of gender (if required)

30 Minute Session

CD with photos

DVD with video

Report for your doctor


Gender Scan

Package Details:

Between 12 – 36 weeks of gestation

Heart rate

Baby’s weight

Confirmation of gender

15 minute session

CD with photos
